yes king. eager to see where you go with your research. i don't know if you've read the work of Dean Radin but you might find it fascinating, he explicitly focuses on noetics/noosphere, that term specifically. you might enjoy Real Magic specifically. that rocked my world.

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Oct 15, 2023·edited Oct 15, 2023Author

Thank you! Will definitely check it out for my next one

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love this

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the bit about navigating crowds reminds me of some of my favourite qualia when running

there's this part of my route where a crowd builds up because of a narrow passage and i love the experience of awareness expanding and trusting that something beyond me will take care of finding the spaces so that i can smoothly glide through all the people. esp when I've got sick tunes going on too.

gonna appreciate the lens that i'm practicing magic next time i do it 🧚🏽‍♂️

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Subtle communication is a crystalline phrase.

You may find something useful in my treatment of the subject. Comes with a map.


An oblique approach to the same subject.


I’ll keep an eye out for more from you.

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connecting the dots here to some others - subtle communication is Earth-coded, as an underlayer, opposed to the explicit Logos. very Vitalist as opposed to rationalist. no wonder post-rats like it!

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